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Upcoming Events and Food Drives
Feast of Caring – August, 2008
The Annual Feast of Caring is an opportunity for individuals, groups and businesses that care about their hungry neighbors to pull up chair and join us at One Big Table for a modest meal of beans, rice, sausage, salad and dessert.
Aggies Can – Fall 2008
Crop Walk – Fall 2008 by Church of World Service
Millions of people join in or support CROP WALKS each year because millions of people around the world have to walk just to survive. “We walk because they walk” – in solidarity, in unity, to make a difference. Last year, CROPWALKERS, volunteers, and sponsors in some 2,000 U.S. communities raised nearly $16 million to feed the hungry, protect children, assisted uprooted people, and help families and communities around the world help themselves. Of that amount, some $4 million was shared with local hunger-fighting organizations – food banks and community gardens across the U.S.
The first CROP WALK in the U.S. was in 1969 in North Dakota. Today, there are 1,800 CROP WALKS nationwide, with 70 annually in the state of Texas. The CROP WALK in B/CS has been around for 22 years.
25% of all funds raised from the B/CS CROP WALK stay local. Funds are split between the Brazos Church Pantry and the Brazos Food Bank. The other 75% goes to the Church World Service, a cooperative ministry of 36 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations working to eradicate hunger and poverty – providing sustainable self-help and development, disaster relief, and refugee assistance in some 80 countries.
Empty Bowls November 2008
The basic idea for Empty Bowls is simple. Participants create ceramic bowls, then serve a simple meal of soup and bread. Guests choose a bowl to use that day and to keep as a reminder that there are always Empty Bowls in the world. In exchange for a meal and the bowl, the guest gives a suggested minimum donation
Food for Families Food Drive – December 2008